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Take Savings and Comfort Further with Home Automation

By October 18, 2017February 24th, 2021News

You’ve recently invested in upgraded insulation for your existing or new home. You’re saving money on energy bills and your home feels comfortable. What if you could take the savings and comfort one step further? Consider adding home automation.

The idea of home automation may be unfamiliar to many homeowners. Home automation puts control of basic home systems such as heating and cooling, appliances, and more at your fingertips. These systems can be accessed remotely through an app on your phone or at a centralized unit within the home. Home automation makes it possible to control your home’s systems conveniently from inside your home or anywhere in the world.

These systems aren’t as costly as most homeowners think and they don’t have to be complicated to use. Beyond being “flashy” there are many benefits you may not know about home automation.

Energy and Cost Savings
Saving energy and money are significant benefits of home automation. Home automation can turn off power to appliances and home systems when they are not in use – such as during the work or school day when a home is empty. When your home delivers power to key systems and appliances, only when necessary your energy bills will decrease. This savings can be noticed as soon as your first energy bill.

Have you left your house and wondered if you’ve turned off lights or adjusted the temperature? Home automation allows you to know what’s happening in your home at any time. Gone are the days of asking a neighbor to check your house – you can check and adjust your home system directly from your phone.

Home automation can make your home more comfortable. Through the touch of a button you can turn on interior lights, adjust your heating system, and more to ensure your home is at your desired comfort level the moment you walk in the door.

Have a friend or neighbor stopping by your home while you are away? Home automation can unlock the doors and adjust the lights so they arrive safely and you can secure your home after they leave.