Duct Leakage Testing
If your home’s duct system leaks conditioned air, your energy bills will be affected. Many homes have ducts that leak conditioned air. This leakage allows conditioned air to escape before reaching the desired room. Duct leakage can increase heating and cooling costs by over 30% and contribute to comfort, health and safety problems.
A duct leakage test combines a small fan and a pressure gauge to pressurize a home’s duct system and accurately measure air leakage of the ductwork. Similar to how a blower door test measures leaks in a home’s envelope, this test measures leaks in ductwork. By reducing duct leaks, your HVAC system will work more efficiently and your heated or cooled air will reach the desired room.
EcoLogical Insulation can perform a duct leakage test and develop the right plan to help reduce your home’s energy use. Contact us today!